Who We Are

Raising the standard of living for Africans
Central to the establishment of the AfCFTA is to raise the standard of living of the people of Africa. The AfCFTA is a vehicle facilitating the economic liberation of the continent and ensuring that Africans take full advantage of the trade potential on the continent to create jobs, increase the income and improve the lives of every African while positioning the continent as a force in global trade.
Harmonising Trade Rules
Economic emancipation is an aspiration of our forebearersforbearers who fought for the political liberation of the continent. The AfCFTA, therefore, aims to eliminate trade barriers on the continent progressively in fullfilment of this aspiration. In particular, the AfCFTA is leading the process of negotiating and harmonising favourable trade rules that will enhance trading on the continent.
Facilitating intra-Africa trade
The core purpose of the AfCFTA is to create a single market for goods, and services, facilitated by the movement of persons to deepen the economic integration of the African continent. In this regard, the AfCFTA has put in place mechanisms such as the Adjustment Funds, which will cushion State Parties as they navigate the complexity of opening up their markets. The AfCFTA further lays a strong foundation for soaring Africa’s trade competitiveness in the global market by promoting industrial development through diversification and regional value chain development.
Promoting Inclusive Trade
One cannot discount the place of women and youth in leading significant change on the continent. In addition to the private sector leading trade on the continent, AfCFTA is poised to position women and youth as drivers of economic growth on the continent. The AfCFTA is therefore focused on addressing issues limiting the full participation of women and youth in trade on the continent and beyond. The AfCFTA also works in close collaboration with the State Parties and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to build on the existing initiatives, ensuring no one is left behind.
Settling Disputes
Disputes are a common feature of every human endeavour. Parties to the Agreement have therefore come up with an agreed legal framework and procedure for harmoniously resolving conflicts as they arise. In this regard, the AfCFTA, with authorised bodies, has established a Dispute Settlement Mechanism for the Swift resolution of conflict.