Council Of Ministers

Council Of Ministers

The Council of Ministers is composed of the Ministers responsible for trade and officials designated by the Member states. The Council reports to the Assembly through the Executive Council. The Council of Ministers meets twice a year in ordinary sessions and may meet as and when necessary, in extraordinary sessions.

The Council of Ministers:

harmonises policies and strategies while enforcing the effective implementation of the Agreement;

considers reports and activities of the Secretariat and take appropriate actions; 

issues directives and make recommendations in line with the provisions of the Agreement; 

makes recommendations to the Assembly for the adoption, the staff and financial regulations of the Secretariat; in addition to providing authoritative interpretation of the Agreement 

13th COM

Durban, South Africa

The 13th COM

12th COM

United Republic of Tanzania

The 12th COM

11th COM


11th COM in Botswana

10th COM

Accra - Ghana

10th COM in Ghana

9th COM

Accra, - Ghana

9th COM in Ghana

8th COM

Accra, - Ghana

9th COM in Ghana