The role of financial investment is critical to the achievement of the objectives of the AfCFTA. The Council of Ministers responsible for trade, and the State Parties, have established a Committee on Investment. The Committee met in September 2021 and adopted its Terms of Reference, Negotiation Modalities and Guidelines for negotiating the Agreement on Investment, leading to the establishment of the Protocol on Investment. The Protocol is expected to establish a transparent and sound continental legal framework on investment, taking into account the interests of State Parties and investors. The outcome of the negotiations on investment will be incorporated into the AfCFTA Agreement.
Consequently, the AfCFTA Secretariat has facilitated capacity-building and regional stakeholder engagements to identify and collate views on potential issues for inclusion in the Protocol. A Zero draft of the Protocol on Investment to the AfCFTA

The Protocol on Investment will be designed to promote, facilitate and protect investments that foster sustainable development of State Parties while safeguarding the right of States to regulate. The Protocol is expected to establish a transparent and sound continental legal framework on investment, taking into account the interests of State Parties and investors.
Work towards the development of the Protocol on Investment has commenced. The Committee on Investment was established by the Council of Ministers in May 2021. The Committee on Investment – which comprises all State Parties – began to meet regularly in September 2021 to start the work on investment negotiations.
In its meeting, the Committee developed and adopted its Terms of Reference and the Negotiating Modalities and Guiding Principles for the Negotiation of the Protocol on Investment. The meeting also identified key elements and possible focus areas for the Protocol on Investment.
The AfCFTA Secretariat has facilitated capacity-building engagements and regional stakeholder engagements to identify the views on the potential issues for inclusion in the Protocol.