AfCFTA Secretary-General Praises Zimbabwe’s Strategic Grain Reserve Initiative at SADC Industrialisation Week

Harare, Zimbabwe – July 29, 2024 – The Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), H.E. Wamkele Mene, delivered key remarks at the 7th SADC Industrialisation Week, held in Harare, Zimbabwe. During his speech, H.E. Mene highlighted Zimbabwe’s leadership in enhancing food security through its strategic grain reserve initiative, aligning with both the country’s Vision 2030 and the broader goals of the AfCFTA.

In his address, H.E. Mene emphasized the importance of agriculture, agro-processing, and related value chain development as priorities for the AfCFTA. He underscored the AfCFTA Secretariat’s collaboration with the Government of Zimbabwe and the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) to expand and improve the national strategic grain reserve systems. This initiative is designed to bolster domestic food security while facilitating regional food exports, positioning Zimbabwe as a key player in the African food market.

“Zimbabwe’s strategic grain reserve initiative is a significant step towards realizing the nation’s Vision 2030 and reinstating Zimbabwe as the ‘Breadbasket’ of Southern Africa,” said H.E. Mene. “Once fully implemented, this initiative could save up to $200 million annually in postharvest food losses, significantly increasing food availability for the population.”

H.E. Mene also commended Zimbabwe for its role in advancing SADC’s Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap. He noted that the recent milestones achieved under this strategy are crucial for enhancing the industrial capacity of the region, stimulating growth, and creating jobs. By aligning SADC’s industrial strategy with the broader objectives of the AfCFTA, the region is positioning itself as a significant participant in the continental market.

The Secretary-General highlighted the synergy between the AfCFTA and SADC’s industrial goals, which he described as essential for transforming Africa into a global economic powerhouse. He encouraged continued collaboration and innovation to build a resilient economic framework that addresses current challenges while laying the foundation for future opportunities.

In closing, H.E. Mene called for the active engagement of academic institutions to provide policy guidance and oversight, ensuring that regional and continental economic integration efforts are well-supported. He also emphasized the importance of investing in innovation and sustainability to drive the region forward, leveraging Southern Africa’s youthful population to unlock new opportunities.

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Elydora Matubanzila – Communications Officer


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