The Secretary-General of the AfCFTA Secretariat meets FAO to discuss solutions to boost Agricultural Trade and Food Security in Africa

In a significant step toward enhancing Africa’s agricultural sector, the Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Wamkele Mene, met in Rome with Mr. Qu Dongyu, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). The high-level discussion focused on key strategies to improve the production and commercialisation of agriculture across the African continent.

The vital role of agriculture in Africa

Agriculture is the backbone of Africa’s economy, contributing approximately 30% to the continent’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and providing livelihoods for around 50% of the population. This sector is not only a major economic driver but also a critical element in ensuring food security for millions of Africans. Despite its importance, the potential of Africa’s agricultural sector remains underutilised, particularly when it comes to intra-African trade.

The challenge of intra-African agri-food trade

As of 2013, intra-African agri-food trade was alarmingly low, accounting for less than 20% of the continent’s total agricultural trade. This figure starkly contrasts with other regions like Asia and Europe, where intra-regional agricultural trade exceeds 60%. This discrepancy highlights the significant challenges Africa faces in building robust regional value chains and harnessing the full potential of its agricultural sector.

The AfCFTA’s commitment to transforming agricultural trade

The AfCFTA has been actively working to address these challenges and improve agricultural trade across Africa. By focusing on the development of regional agricultural value chains, the AfCFTA aims to create a more integrated and self-sufficient agricultural market within the continent. This involves tackling barriers such as inadequate infrastructure, restrictive trade policies, and limited access to markets, which currently hinder the free flow of agricultural goods across African borders.

The importance of strategic partnerships

Therefore, to effectively realise these goals, the AfCFTA recognises the need for targeted interventions and strategic partnerships. Collaborating with organisations like the FAO is essential to implementing sustainable solutions that can boost agricultural productivity and trade. The FAO’s expertise in food and agriculture, combined with the AfCFTA’s commitment to facilitating trade, creates a powerful synergy that can drive significant improvements in Africa’s agricultural landscape.

A shared vision for the future

The meeting between the AfCFTA Secretariat and FAO leadership in Rome marks a promising step forward in the pursuit of a more prosperous and food-secure Africa. By leveraging the strengths of both organisations and working in close collaboration, there is a real opportunity to transform Africa’s agricultural sector, ensuring it can meet the growing food demands of its population while contributing more significantly to the continent’s economic growth.

As the AfCFTA continues to push for greater economic integration and cooperation within Africa, the support and involvement of partners such as the FAO will be crucial in overcoming the challenges and unlocking the vast potential of African agriculture. Together, we are paving the way for a brighter future, where agricultural trade can thrive, and food security is strengthened for millions across the continent.

Media Contact

Elydora Matubanzila – Communications Officer


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